Contrary to popular belief, I believe that EVERYONE needs to love themselves or work towards unconditional self-love.
If you aren't *in love* with yourself, we must bridge that gap.
I know people will throw the word narcissistic all over that statement but hear me out...
We romanticize love with our families, our partners, and even our friends
We stick with them through thick and thin, and love them until the end, no matter what, right?
We'd do anything for them.
We see them for who they are despite what fuck ups they've made or where they've gone through, without ridiculing or belittling them...
But yet,
We don't romanticize loving ourselves when ...
We tend to dismiss ourselves,
Ridicule ourselves and act like our worst enemy. ..
If we don't have self-love, we won't have anything.
Self-love ISN'T just getting up in the morning and looking good or showering yourself with nice gifts and experiences; that's only one SMALL part of it.
Self-love is truly honoring every inch of yourself in mind body and soul NO MATTER how fucked up your current *vortex* may be right now.
If you don't have self-love, well, almost every area of your life will reflect that.
You're going to abandon yourself
You're going to diminish and judge yourself
You're going to disrespectYou'll're going to let yourself be in t literally reflect how you feel about yourself...
A lot of times your relationships, your work environments, your habits, and even your home is going to feel depleted because you're depleted within.
Life begins and ends with your relationship with yourself.
To begin shifting into a state of self-love, I want you to take some time to write the ways you do love yourself conditionally.
What obligations do you hold in order to feel love from yourself?
In the same journal, I want you to ask yourself how you can start loving yourself unconditionally and flipping the narrative from limitation to liberation.