You're not a failure. You're not behind. You aren't going to end up alone, with no happiness, love, peace, or excitement. You WILL have a beautiful existence. You WILL live a life that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning and I'm going to help you realize how...
You may not know what you are doing with your life, but you do know what you want from life; you're just too afraid to admit it.
You're afraid to say that you want to fall in love.
You're afraid to say that you want to have an amazing career and or live on a farm.
You're too afraid to say you want to have 5 kids, or have no fucking kids.
You're afraid to say that you want to move away from your immediate family and travel the world.
You're afraid to say that you want to buy a house or sell your house.
You're afraid to say that you want to get married or get a divorce.
You're afraid to say that you want to go back to school and get that degree because you think you're too old or it's too late.
You're afraid to say that you want to sell all your belongings and go on a year-long road trip.
You're afraid to say what the fuck you want and do whatever it takes to get it.
You're afraid to say what your heart is asking for because you're more concerned with what others want/expect of you.
You're replacing your own wants and needs for others wants and needs.
You're replacing you living your life, with others ruling your life.
You're too focused on other people rather than focusing on what your soul came here to do.
THAT is why you 'feel' like you don't know what you're doing with your life.
You are more concerned with living up to the status quo and pleasing other people rather than pleasing yourself.
This crossroads between what others want and what you want is paralyzing you. It's causing confusion, frustration, and emptiness.
Your mind is ping-ponging back and forth seeing whose thoughts are going to win and it's usually the thoughts of others.
While your heart and soul are saying one thing, your programming from family, friends, partners, and society is saying another.
Of course,
when we have been conditioned to compare ourselves to other people, the voice of our heart seems fucking ridiculous.
The voice that says it's never too late when the world says you should've already been there.
The voice that says you want to try something new when the world says you're a failure if you uproot your life at 28, 35, 50, and any age in between.
Let me make it clear and believe me when I say:
Your soul didn't come here to live by a set of rules placed out by other people who couldn't see their power, your soul came here to experience life in color.
Color outside of the lines.
Your soul came here to play, to laugh, to learn, to grow, and to see more than the status quo because let's be real - the status quo that has been for many generations is boring as fuck.
Your soul didn't come here to do everything in order like everyone else. It didn't come here to be proper and to submit,
Your soul came to create and the most beautiful creations come from living outside of the box, outside of the lines, and splashing colors in the gray areas.
If you want to live a beautiful life like I know you do,
You have to STOP considering other people.
You have to stop carrying the voices, opinions, thoughts, and beliefs of others and decide to listen to the little voice that says there are no limits.
The voice that says it's okay for you do to what makes you happy and what makes you feel like you are alive rather than listening to the negative voice implanted by other people that says :
"No you can't" "It's not possible" "That's not practical" "Sit down and follow the rules"
The voice that paralyzes you and slowly wears you down.
FUCK THOSE PEOPLE AND FUCK THAT VOICE because they are miserable as fuck.
Following that voice will only get you farther away from who you are meant to be and what you are destined for.
So my love,
It's not that you don't know what you are doing,
it's that you're too afraid to admit what you want and too afraid to do something about it.
Feel the fear and do it anyways because life is too short not to try over and over and over again.
Life is too short to submit to the gray areas.
Light that bitch up with YOUR unique color.