I want to ensure you that growth is not about how good you do something, it's just about getting up and doing it.
It's about finding consistency in the newness.
It's about dedicating yourself to where you want to go, not where you've been.
It's about choosing to step into the new life you want to experience, not choosing the life that has caused you misery and suffering.
Striving for perfection will ALWAYS keep you in the loop of limitations.
If you expect yourself to be good at something right away, you're instantly setting yourself up for failure.
Because if you have the expectation that you're supposed to be perfect right away, you'll get disappointed if the expectation is not met and you'll give up.
Have no expectations and just let yourself be surprised by the process.
You see, walking away from an old paradigm isn't easy.
I will say this over and over again until everyone gets it:
You have practiced limitation for so long, it's not just going to go away overnight.
It might not even go away in a year, but that's why you have to start thinking LONG TERM, not momentary.
This is why people spiral and never actually move forward.
They hit up against resistance and then go back because they had the expectation that no obstacles would come to play.
The truth is there will be many.
Life at times is unpredictable.
As much as we want to think we are in control, there's a bigger picture to play.
Careers will end, marriages and relationships will end, some relationships will go through intense trials, friendships will end, families will fight, you'll be forced to walk away from people who aren't good for you, money issues will come up, delays will happen and all of that is okay.
Want to know why?
Because through all of the hardship, we grow TREMENDOUSLY.
If we allow it of course. If we arm ourselves with the proper mindset.
You know I've been through the shit in life,
I didn't become this person by avoiding life or having it easy, I was all in it and took every lesson I could through the tears, frustration, and pain.
I know all of this new age self-development and spirituality has society thinking hardship won't ever arise if you're "awake" & "living your best life"
Duality is the essence of life.
It's not about avoiding hardship, it's about learning how to navigate it.
Especially right now.
What we do have control of?
We can control what we allow ourselves to do, what we feed our mind, body, and soul, what relationships we have, our outlook, our beliefs, our reactions, and how we respond to life.
This is extremely important especially if you're going through trying times.
If you don't control yourself, the cycles will never end.
So as you step into this new chapter of your life.
The one where you are actually listening to your soul calling,
Give yourself the grace to not be perfect, but continuously make progress by getting up every day and trying.
You got this!
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