As we prepare ourselves for yet another week ahead, I want you to be honest...
How conditional is your self-love?
How often do you feel the pulsating unconditional love for yourself?
This question popped into my head after reading a few articles written by a relationship expert sharing her idea about unconditional love.
Naturally, I defaulted back to self...
I thought to myself...
How many people love themselves unconditionally to see that reflected in their relationships?
Not a lot was my immediate answer.
As a society, we are obsessed with the outside world... So much so we forget that
everything starts within
We have this idea that if we scatter around to change something externally that it will completely rock our state of being...
Truth is,
You have to change both the internal and the external for a real paradigm shift.
The level of satisfaction we can have in our external world is solely based on the level of satisfaction we experience internally.
If we are not embodied in peace within us, our relationships, our careers, our environments, our habits, and our default settings will all reflect the internal chaos within.
Externally, if our environments are tied to conditions based upon who we were, rather than who we are becoming - we will always find ourselves in limbo...
If you were completely fucking honest with yourself before this week started - what area in your life is reflecting the conditional 'love' you have for yourself?
People don't realize...
Conditional love is not love.
Conditional love is merely an illusion of love.
Conditional love is contingent based on actions or an ultimatum.
But real love...
Love is infinite with no bounds or ties, yet something embodied in many different expressions.
Love doesn't bind you to a box or rule,
Yet sets you free to be you in all shapes in forms.
When was the last time you felt no bounds to your ability to love yourself?
Or have you fallen into the trap of picking yourself apart until there is no ability to love self... no ability to respect self.
There's this confusion around why so many people are unsatisfied with their level of relationships, friendships, etc... Why there's so much brokenness in marriages, friendships, society as a whole...
The most realistic answer is... People can only love as much as they love themselves.
And if they are not able to express that love outwardly/openly, they are shut off to the most infinite parts of themselves...
Is this you?
We see this unhappiness and lack of satisfaction because the external world reflects the refusal to see more in ourselves.
To see beyond the pain and the suffering
To awaken beyond the programming.
So this week I have a mission for you.
Make a list of all things in your life that reflect the conditional love you have for yourself.
What habit, what thought, what relationship, what friendship, what family connection, what career, what environment shows you how little love you have for yourself.
Once you make a list, I want you to ask yourself "why do I allow this into my life"
It's okay if you can't come up with an answer right away. Asking the question stimulates your brainwaves.
Keep asking until you uncover.
Once you do, I want you to ask how you can slowly start to eliminate this out of your life because honestly...
It's time to stop playing fucking games with yourself.