I want you to take a hard look at your life.
I want you to look at the habits you have, the people that surround you, your career or lack of it, your happiness levels, and your home.
As you reflect, I want you to ask yourself if this is really what you want your life to look like for the next 5 years, or is this life something that you've settled for due to old limiting beliefs and excuses?
I want you to be honest if your habits uplift you.
I want you to be honest if the people surrounding you, are good for you.
I want you to be honest about your career, and if it's something you want to spend your life doing.
I want you to be honest if you're really happy, or just floating by.
I want you to be honest if your home is an uplifting environment or a war zone.
If ANY area of your life is struggling (or maybe all of them), I challenge you to take a hard look in the mirror and discover the limiting beliefs and excuses you are catering to.
Most of us grew up around some type of struggle. Abuse, neglect, poverty, etc.
This struggle shaped beliefs around what we can have and what we can't, what we are worthy of and what we aren't, how far we can go, and what we have to settle for.
If we've done little to no work on ourselves, our life will emulate what our parents/caregivers experienced, not what we really want.
This isn't because we are incapable, this is because our mind knows nothing else. (Until we expose it to something new of course.)
You don't want to spend your life living the same limitation week after week saying that you want happiness, you want health, you want to lose weight, you want to change your career, you want love,
and then never doing anything about it.
If you want to change in your life, which I know you do,
Stop listing to the excuses that your trauma and less-than-ideal experiences tell you,
and start listening to the whispers of your higher calling. Start listening to your desires.
You have to realize that you didn't come into this world with limitations, limitation was taught.
As a child, you believed you could do anything. Your child self knew the power you came here with until someone told you to put that power away.
All the excuses that you have, telling you why you can't have success, why you can't have love, why you can't lose weight, why you can't be happy,
Are all things OTHER PEOPLE put into your mind.
Take responsibility for your mind, instead of letting other people rule it,
And show up for your life this week!