Have you ever felt yourself waiting for something good to happen?
You're working hard, you're showing up, you're praying, meditating, and expecting good things to come to fruition.
Maybe you're working on your body goals.
Maybe you're working extra hard for that bonus from work.
Maybe you're manifesting a new house or car.
Maybe you're waiting for the perfect man or woman to come into your life.
Through all this working, waiting, and showing up, you feel like NOTHING is happening.
Your body isn't changing; your finances are still in a bind, and you haven't found THE house, car, or partner.
It feels like life is taking FOREVER.
Well, I have a little insight for you:
Lack of patience is blocking your blessings.
You probably don't want to hear it because you've already been waiting and working forever, but it's true.
When you run out of patience, you IMMEDIATELY turn yourself off to the beautiful things that God is working up for you.
You get frustrated, you start doubting, and eventually, that frustration becomes defeat.
No longer showing up.
No longer expecting good things.
Rightfully so, because who the f*ck wants to wait around for years for good things to happen? NO ONE.
Here's the catch: God isn't working on your time, my time, your friend's time,
God is working on divine timing.
You and I aren't supposed to worry about timing. We are supposed to worry about showing up with the energy God is looking for. It shows that we ARE ready for what we want and CAN handle it.
Why would God give us what we want when we aren't ready? So we can sabotage it?
Having to wait is a form of protection from ourselves.
No one and I mean no one, wants to get what they want and sabotage the things they've been dreaming about.
If you can't hold patience in your heart, then you aren't ready for the big things you want.
When we turn ourselves off energetically, doubting, sitting in frustration, and pouting, we show the entire universe that we aren't there yet.
We put ourselves back to the beginning. Feeding into the old programming that says "nothing ever good happens," "there's no luck left for me," and "there's only a limit and not enough for me."
When you no longer expect good things, your energy changes.
You are no longer a vibrational match to what you are manifesting,
you turn back into a vibrational match to what you've always known.
And what you've always known may be poverty, loneliness, being unhealthy in your body, or simply having nothing going your way.
Sometimes, what we've known overtakes the forward momentum and work we've done almost immediately because that has been dominant in our lives.
This is why staying on top of our mindset work and inner dialogue is so important.
This society has programmed us to believe everything has to be quick and easy; if it's not, then it's not meant to be.
We've gotten it sooooo wrong and taken away our enjoyment of life.
Sometimes, things do have to take a little longer. Not because something is wrong with you, but because it will be much better.
Sometimes, YOU need some more clearing and purging to enjoy what you manifest.
While waiting for your desires, goals, and manifestations to come to fruition, ENJOY YOUR LIFE AND BE GRATEFUL.
Find simple pleasures to be grateful for. Utilize what is right in front of you.
Do your favorite things.
You CAN make your life beautiful BEFORE you have everything you want.
I promise that finding contentment at this moment will not block anything for you.
It will enhance all the good that is trying to come into your life.
Stop, stoping yourself.
Stop getting defeated when you have been in the gym and haven't seen results; YOUR TIME IS COMING.
Stop getting defeated when you can't find the perfect house; YOUR TIME IS COMING.
Stop getting defeated when you still struggle financially; YOUR TIME IS COMING.
Stop getting defeated when old habits want to return; YOUR BREAKTHROUGH IS COMING.
STOP looking for 'evidence' that good things can happen for you and have FAITH that when you believe, when you show up consistently, EVENTUALLY, life WILL unfold for you.
I want you to sit down and see how long it takes a redwood tree to reach full maturity. IT TAKES A LONG TIME.
Don't rush through life and forget to live in the now.
Good things are happening around you. BE F*CKING PATIENT. (and expectant)