Have you ever considered that maybe you feel unhappy because the child that lives within you is unhappy?
Have you ever stopped to look within and ask if the energy that lives within you is fulfilled?
Or are you so busy trying to live up to societal standards of happiness that you neglect yourself altogether?
Are you so busy trying to live up to societal standards that say what your life has to look like that you've forgotten what YOU want your life to look like?
Over the last month, I've worked with five different people who struggled with the same problem:
They couldn't honor their emotions because they weren't honoring their inner child.
Rather than controlling their emotions, their emotions were controlling them.
So I made a podcast episode on changing how we look at our emotions.
Going from seeing them as burdens
To see them as messages from our inner self.
With all of this inner child work going on, I thought I would ask you:
Is your inner child happy?
Our inner child holds the totality of who we are.
It holds our self-expression, our creativity, our life force.
Even holds all of our pain, trauma, and wounds.
If your inner child isn't happy, neither are you.
Your inner child is the real you. You before all of the shit.
You before all of the programming and conditioning.
Before all of the hurt and the pain.
Your inner child is you before you decided to shut down on all of the bubbly energy that you have inside of you to protect yourself from possible danger.
Settling, driven by insecurity & shame, heartache & fear, and other people's judgments & expectations.
And now your inner child screams at you with anger, frustration, confusion, hurt, sadness, and even depression when we aren't living up to their standards.
If your inner child sat next to you when you go to bed, alone in your thoughts at night, alone in your body with no distractions,
Would she/he be happy?
Would she/he be so excited?
Would she/he look at you & ask what happened? Why'd you stop?
Would they be impressed with how YOU feel?
Not how your outside life looks. Not all the luxuries, the friends, the wealth
But how you feel about your life when you lay your head down at night?
Are you fulfilled in your relationships?
Are you fulfilled in your career?
Are you really happy with who you are?
Do limitations paralyze you?
If you don't like those answers, I want you to consider what you must do to make that inner child happy.
The world will tell you what you're supposed to do.
But your heart and soul will tell you what you need to do.
Why waste this life being unsatisfied?
You do only get one shot at this lifetime.
use some time in the next few weeks to start asking the serious question:
Is my inner child happy?