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It's Okay To Have Shitty Days

Writer's picture: Anita AmonAnita Amon

Look, life can be shitty sometimes, and that is okay.

No matter how hard we work in our life,

No matter how hard we work on ourselves

No matter how much we grow

Life will have its shitty moments.

And it's okay.

It's okay for you to have shitty days where you feel like NOTHING is working out for you.

It's okay for you to have shitty days where you feel like throwing in the towel with EVERYTHING.

It's okay for you to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, sad, angry, hopeless, and lost.

Because guess what?

Without feeling THOSE,

You wouldn't be able to feel peace, excitement, satisfaction, happiness, bliss, faith, and certainty.

We cannot have one, without the other.

It truly is impossible.

The key is finding out how to lean into the not-so-satisfying emotions.

Learning how to hear what they are trying to tell you about your life, your situation, and yourself because a lot of times, they are whispers to upgrade, to move on, to shift your thinking, and to really let go of the default emotions you usually go to.

Feelings of being overwhelmed are whispers to relax your nervous system and take a week off to be still, to recharge.

Feelings of sadness are whispers that there's pain from situations you haven't dealt with, whispers of self-neglect.

Feelings of frustration are whispers that you're trying to control too much rather than letting God control 'it', you're forcing rather than flowing. You're resisting life, rather than being IN life.

Feelings of hopelessness are whispers that your faith is being tested and you've gone back to looking at the worst possible case scenario.

Feelings of being lost are whispers that you aren't 'really' listening to the mourning of your old self.


The shift only happens if we learn to lean in, rather than allowing them to overpower us.

The moment you attach and identify with these emotions, the moment that you say "THIS IS WHAT I AM"

Is the moment, you anchor yourself there.

You can identify the emotion without creating an identity around it.

The moment you just sit, relax, listen, be in stillness

Is the moment you transcend.

Remember, you can only transcend what you are willing to face.

If you are trying to run away and hide, distract yourself with mind-numbing activities, you will stay in the same vortex of all of the less ideal emotions, situations, and circumstances.


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