Life is messy as fuck.
Like really...
It doesn't matter how hard you try to be the mascot for perfection or how much intention you hold in your heart every single day,
Life is messy and it will always be messy.
Thinking life isn't supposed to be messy will cause us to avoid life.
It will cause us to avoid real healing
Real transformation,
Real breakthrough,
and Real life.
That realness is what gets us to the other side of our current struggles.
That transformation doesn't take place in avoidance of the mess, it takes place IN the mess.
Let me tell you,
this fluff shit that we see on social and mainstream media, in general, is killing us and our ability to show up.
We have created this fear of life because we have been so brainwashed to believe it has to 'look' a certain way.
We have created this fear of walking through trial and tribulation, which causes us to be deeper into the trials and tribulations.
We have created this fear of getting our hands dirty, forgetting that in order to plant a garden,
You have to get messy.
Your life IS your garden.
If you are not willing to be in the mess, then you are not willing to live life and experience your dream reality.
When you're living, showing up, and doing the damn work, like really doing it, there are going to be things that you don't like.
There are going to be things that are fucking hard. You have to realize that there is no magic wand to make it all go away.
You'll have to stand in the face of sickness,
Mental illness,
Limiting beliefs and behaviors,
Relational cycles,
and dysfunctional patterns.
When you stand in the face of your mess, you take your power back and you take control of your life.
If you avoid the mess and try to tiptoe around it,
The mess will continue to control you.
You will continue to struggle with dissociation, overthinking, anxiety, frustration, confusion, and depression.
You will continue to feel like you aren't really living, yet just struggling to get by every single day.
I want to give you permission to recognize that life is messy, so you give yourself permission to finally confront the mess that rules you.
This week, I want you to get your hands dirty.
I want you to get into your garden of life; start pulling up the weeds that are messing up the foundation of your life and make room for a new, beautiful garden to grow.
Before the flowers, there is a messy gardener.
Before the rainbow, there is rain.
Before the beautiful forest and new growth, there is fire.
There is ALWAYS a mess before the magic.
This is the cycle of the universe we live in. Stop trying to escape it, and start embracing it.