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Make Choices That Help You FEEL Good

Writer's picture: Anita AmonAnita Amon

"Some people will try to convince you that you have to struggle to prove you're living, but I think it's time to unsubscribe to that story of limitation and open up the story of liberation. " -Anita Amon

We all know what the matrix blues feels like...

The Matrix blues: Realizing you're living the same day over and over again.

Not wanting to get up and do life,

Not wanting to adult or be responsible.

Maybe you just want to stay in bed a little bit longer because you feel exhausted as fuck..

Maybe you're tired of always doing the same thing...

Maybe you want to escape to a parallel reality so you can go sip on a margarita with the beach right in front of you...


I want you to celebrate this feeling.

Your mind, body, and soul is telling you that it's time to switch some shit up.

It's time to stop choosing the same cycles and break out of them with what you have.

When we have emotions or feelings come up, it's so easy to cater to them.

We usually think that whatever we are feeling, is what we have to choose.

Just like when you wake up on a random morning when you aren't living the life that you ultimately want to live and want to curse everything.

It's easy to say "I woke up feeling like shit today, so I'm going to have a shitty day."

A shitty day turns into a shitty week because you are allowing yourself to be a slave to your emotions.

What happens when you are a slave to your shitty feelings?

You make shitty decisions that enhance your shitty mood.

You eat shit foods that don't give you any energy.

You choose shit habits like escaping or searching for some type of dopamine high...

In reality, you aren't helping yourself.

You're just exhausting yourself.

That is why I want you to flip the script.

You don't have to wait until your life is perfect to make the choices that help you feel good, you have the power now.

It's your right to feel good NOW, without having to wait.

Instead of bowing down to your emotions, make decisions that make you go high.

There is a huge difference between you honoring/navigating your emotions with awareness and letting your emotions rule your life day after day.

You have to let yourself move on.

I want you to give yourself permission to choose the opposite of what your heavy feelings are telling you.

Your heavy feelings are telling you to stay in bed, rethink your entire existence, scroll on your phone and look at everyone else living their 'best life'.

Eat shitty foods because you don't feel like choosing the healthier option

Stay in the same clothes as yesterday

Don't partake in healing modalities that will bring you to liberation

and not do anything intentional for your body.

Your feelings are telling you to go low, I'm reminding you to go high.

Even if you aren't jumping off of the walls with happiness and excitement after choosing the better option,

You are fueling yourself with energy. THAT is the whole point. Not to constantly search for a high, but to be empowered.

Empowerment doesn't always feel good buttttt

You are filling your cup up rather than draining your cup more.


Regardless of how you started your day.

You can still choose to restart and find better feeling energy through your actions.

Start making it a habit to do more things that empower your emotions, rather than drain your emotions.


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