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My Go-To Mirror Affirmations

Writer's picture: Anita AmonAnita Amon

Becoming your ideal self doesn't just magically happen.

You won't wake up one day and be changed.

You won't wake up one day healed, transformed, or in a completely new reality.

You have to show up and work for it.

Becoming your ideal self is created through your habits, behaviors, and everyday decisions.

Becoming your ideal self is a commitment to bringing forth new energy. It's using tools like meditations, affirmations, and changed actions consistently.

It's knowing that you're tired as fuck of being some mediocre, watered-down version of yourself and doing something about it every day, mastering the journey and saying goodbye to what was.

It's hard and it's not a light journey, but it's necessary for anyone who wants to live a better life.

This first step to becoming your ideal self is changing the way you talk to yourself and changing the way you talk about yourself.

I recommend that you focus on what comes up when you're alone.

Most of the time, when we are in a shitty place, we are VERY good at hiding it around other people.

When we are alone, that's when the masks come off (if we aren't using aversions of course like drinking, smoking, watching TV, etc).

Changing self-talk was my personal catalyst for how I got myself out of years of depression, anxiety, and harboring deep-rooted trauma.

Most people don't realize that your self-talk isn't yours, to begin with.

It's most likely beliefs and limitations passed down from your family, elders, and peers.

It's a cycle of vicarious trauma from one generation and culture to the next.

We won't ever experience total freedom until we gain freedom in our minds.

That's where affirmations come in and why it's so important for you to practice affirmations.

Affirmations are a POWER tool yet most don't know how to use them correctly.

I hate to admit this, but you have to know how to use affirmations in a way that tricks your mind because your mind WILL push back.

It will remind you of all of the horrible things people have said to you, all of the horrible things you've seen, and all of the horrible things that you have experienced.

Choosing the right language is SO important and the body language in which you are practicing it.

I believe mirror affirmations are one of the most powerful tools because it forces you to face the one person we avoid the most: ourselves.

When you look yourself in the face, you start owning who you are.

And let's not beat around the bush; when you start saying new affirmations, it's uncomfortable but it's only uncomfortable because you haven't used this new language.

Think about learning a second language like Spanish, French, Italian, German, English, etc - you feel like you sound ridiculous and at times you do but the more you practice, the better you feel and sound.

Think about affirmations as reteaching yourself how to speak after losing your voice from years of programming, brainwashing, and trauma.

It's a new way of speaking but soon, you will be well on your way.

So here are my go to mirror affirmations for general self empowerment in mind, body and soul:

- I choose to trust that everything is working out in my favor

- I choose to let beautiful things happen to me

- I deserve to see my own beauty on the inside and out

- I am willing to see my own beauty on the inside and out

- I am a manifestation of Gods art and I choose to recognize that every day

- I am grateful for who I am and who I am becoming

- I am willing to live a life of self love

- I appreciate and honor who I am and who I am becoming

- I surrender to the flow of life and allow life to unfold in the most beautiful ways

- I allow the reflection in the mirror to get better and better each day

- I am choosing to like myself more and more each day

- I am allowing the love for my reflection to grow every day

- I am willing to see that I am deserving of happiness and peace right now

- I am willing to make decisions that empower my life every day

- I choose to see that I am the ultimate creator of my reality

- I choose to invest in my well being

- I choose to see the greatness inside of me

Your affirmation practices don't need to be complicated, in fact - IT SHOULDN'T BE COMPLICATED.

Challenge yourself: YES

Overwhelm yourself expecting results: Insane

Do these affirmations any time you are in the mirror and watch your personal language transform for the better!


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