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Please Pleasers, THIS IS FOR YOU

Writer's picture: Anita AmonAnita Amon

If you're reading this post then you probably know you have an unhealthy relationship with people-pleasing. You probably try to go above and beyond for everyone around you, trying to please everyone so they see you for all of you. So they see you for the amazing person that you are. You're overextending your energy trying to get accepted by other people because deep down you aren't accepting yourself. You are trying to get your worth from other people seeing you and thinking you're amazing. I have two things to tell you. The first thing, if people want a relationship with you, YOU WILL KNOW. You won't have to go above and beyond to get them to notice you. They will see you NOW, without all the extra shit. They'll reach out to you, they'll make it a priority to respond to you. They'll make an effort to get to know you... But if they aren't, please move the fuck on because there are people out there who will literally celebrate life with you without you having to do anything. This is a hard lesson I had to learn, especially over the last 3 years. Man would I try so fucking hard to be accepted and to be liked. I was doing this to fill a void that I had inside me from childhood and my own family. It never worked. I always felt like shit, I always felt depleted. And guess what, THOSE PEOPLE NEVER SAW ME. No matter how hard I worked or tried to show them that I care or want a relationship with them, THEY DIDN'T. Or at least didn't try. One-sided fucking relationship. IT WAS BORING & DRAINING. The moment I stopped and went inward, I was set free and now I truly don't give a fuck and it's the most liberating feeling EVER. You're way too valuable to keep trying to play with people who don't want to play... So move on. The second thing is to start knowing your worth regardless of who accepts you and who doesn't. Seriously, Your worth is not defined by someone else's inability to see you... Most likely they aren't seeing themselves... You need to look inward rather than looking outward. You need to recognize where this need to be accepted comes from and start accepting yourself. The moment you start accepting yourself is the moment you start attracting people who will accept you, Who will make effort with you. So hear me out people pleaser, PEOPLE WHO WANT A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU WILL MAKE IT FUCKING KNOWN. You won't have to try so hard. Stop spending your life overextending to other people because you my dear, have a beautiful life, with beautiful connections waiting for you right around the corner. You just have to accept it.


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