If I walked up to you right now and asked you:
"What is the first thing you'd change about your life?"
What would your response be? Be honest with yourself.
Write that answer down on a piece of paper or in the notes on your phone.
I want you to write it down so you know which direction you need to focus on. So you can keep yourself accountable.
Most of us have areas of our life we want to change. ALL of us go through trials and tribulations that frustrate the shit out of us.
The problem is that most people just want it, and not a lot of people are willing to work for it.
The problem is that most people are willing to bitch and complain about what they don't like, not a lot are willing to recognize what they don't want, and move on.
Most people sit around in their own misery wishing change would come when they aren't willing to make the change themselves.
Change in your life doesn't happen until YOU change first.
You cannot wait for your life to change or else you will 'wait' your life away.
What you need to do is start making the change within you.
You need to change the way you show up in your life, you need to change the way you see your life and you need to change the way you accept things in your life.
The old saying of "that's just life", won't cut it anymore unless you want to accept right now that you will settle for less than you deserve.
Because that saying right there is an excuse so many of our great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents said so they didn't have to take responsibility for the fact that they weren't living in accordance with their power.
I've never heard a very successful person (in all areas of life) say "that's just life" but I have seen a lot of unsuccessful miserable people give their power over with that statement.
You are not your grandparents or your parents, you are you.
A light here to change the lineage of your family if you want it.
You see, waking up week after week, tuning in to the same old story of limitation isn't cutting it.
You know it's not.
You know that you crave so much more, so why don't you let yourself work towards having it? Why don't you let yourself make the change you KNOW needs to be made?
Why don't you sacrifice your comforts for the liberation of your mind body and soul?
Why don't you let yourself walk through that journey and see what's on the other side?
Because what you want, is right on the other side of letting go of the shit that doesn't serve you. That doesn't support you.
The body you want, it's on the other side of self love, consistency, mindfulness and dedication.
The career you want, it's on the other side of you recentering your focus on what you want, putting the work in, aligning your energy, and dedicating yourself.
The relationship you want, it's on the other side of speaking your truth, saying your desires, saying your wants, and letting go of anyone who can't handle that
The materialistic success you want, it's on the other side of believing you can have it, releasing the old broken shit in your vortex, and working for what you want.
The adventure you want, it's on the other side of playing it small. It's letting go of fear and taking yourself where you want to go.
I'm here to share hard truths with you most wont:
Until you take accountability for EVERY area of your life,
You will continue to suffer and struggle.
Until you decide to be honest about what your heart and soul is whispering to you,
You will continue to be depressed, anxious, and lost.
You already know what you get out of life living by the same story you've lived by for years.
Why don't you try something new and see where that gets you,
You have NOTHING to lose.
So, what're you going to do, to change it?