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What To Do While You're Waiting for Your Manifestations

Writer's picture: Anita AmonAnita Amon

Let's face it,

Some manifestations come to us when we least expect them, and others feel like they are taking FOREVER to make their way into our lives.

If you're in the waiting period, please don't fret. You aren't alone, you aren't doing anything wrong, and you don't need to throw everything out (unless you really feel called to).

Despite what some self-proclaimed manifestation experts try to tell you, it's not your job to control the timeline of your manifestations.

Yes, it's okay to set desired timelines for your dreams and goals, but if those deadlines come approaching fast and you still aren't seeing anything, don't get discouraged or feel like they're not meant for you.

Some things are just meant to take longer.

It's not because you suck or aren't good enough; it just means that when it comes to you, you are going to be super prepared and ready to make it last for a long ass time.

The problem with timelines on some of our goals is that when we don't see it when we think we should have it, we throw in the towel on everything and settle.

We get nasty thoughts and beliefs like we don't deserve it, our luck isn't good, God is punishing us, the universe is against us, or we aren't good enough.

I want to put an end to those nasty little parasite thoughts.

If you feel something deep in your soul that calls to you, IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE IN YOUR LIFE somehow, some way.

The issue is we haven't mastered the waiting game.

The truth is, you can't control everything.

I don't give a flying f*ck what some social media manifestation coach told you:

You, my darling, aren't controlling the entire universe every step of the way.

It's not your job to.

Your job is to focus on YOU.

Mastering how you respond and react to life.

Mastering your behaviors and actions.

Mastering your habits and priorities.

Mastering the art of being you through the good, bad, ugly, and beautiful.

You aren't going to be able to control every person you interact with.

You aren't going to control every job you have.

You aren't going to control every random situation that comes into your life.

And you shouldn't pick up that responsibility.

See the thing with manifesting, becoming the creator of your reality,

You have to learn how to master the art of polarity. Manifesting doesn't just happen when it feels like the sun is rising for you. It also happens when you face the darkness in your life head-on.

Not just desperately holding onto everything and hoping it stays good 24/7 but also learning how to survive in the darkest times.

Your waiting period is not a time to get angry and sit in frustration.

Your waiting period isn't even about forcing yourself to do more so you can force the universe's hand for your manifestation.

Your waiting period is the opportunity to continue focusing on becoming the best version of yourself in mind and soul. Becoming the best version of yourself doesn't always look like going harder in the gym, eating stricter, working more hours, or picking up 5x more responsibilities. Most of the time, becoming the best version of yourself looks like changing the thoughts you entertain and changing how you speak to yourself. Shifting the way you look at the things in your life. Choose not to hang out with those negative people or let go of the pessimistic person you've become.

Your waiting period is a time to learn how to enjoy life, where you are at, with what you have.

The problem with many people manifesting is they haven't even learned the art of gratitude for what they have in the present. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting more, but if you don't even recognize the greatness right in front of you, what makes you think the universe will give you more?

Being grateful right now doesn't mean you are settling; it means that you are acknowledging the many ways God has already brought love and abundance into your life, and while you are waiting, you are choosing to work with what you've got rather than doing nothing at all.

For example, I'm sitting here waiting for my Firestick to load so I can rewatch some episodes of New Girl. Random, I know, but hear me out.

I had a phenomenal day filled with so many blessings and aligned energy, and I wanted to end the day early with some food while I closed all the curtains, turned on the projector, and relaxed.

I haven't used this firestick in forever, so it's doing it's updating thing and taking FOREVER to load. I turned it off twice to reset it, and it's STILL loading.

I caught myself getting frustrated and letting my food get cold because I had in mind what I wanted and needed to create it. I wanted to eat WHILE I watched New Girl.

Then was like ... why? Why contaminate my day with getting frustrated at something as trivial as the firestick taking a little long to upload?

So, as I was watching the little dots come and go to show me that it's loading, I started to think about the truth that not everything in life can be controlled; no matter how much you try to fix it, sometimes it truly is about waiting and letting things work how they will work, the firestick or the current state of some of our manifestations.

Eventually, the firestick will turn on just like how, eventually, your life will blossom like a beautiful rose.

I could sit here and stare at the firestick screen or enjoy my dinner while waiting.

So I enjoyed my dinner while waiting, then ran and got my laptop to share this life lesson with you.

You could sit here and bitch and moan about how shitty your life is or how long your manifestation is taking, OR you can sit here and enjoy the blessings God has given to you while your manifestations are finished upgrading.

Don't let your manifestations catch you sitting in frustration. Let them find you in happiness, peace, love, and gratitude.

Let your manifestations be welcomed in by the version of you who knows how to enjoy life in every season, whether you're on top of the world or still sitting in your starter apartment.

Your manifestations ARE coming. This waiting season isn't a sign to get all pissed and down on yourself. Do what you can, and leave the rest in the hands of the universe.

It is unfolding for you. Show up in the ways you need, and then go into the life you already have and start making that shit beautiful with what you have.

P.S. This life lesson DOES NOT include those of you who are in unhealthy and toxic situations. If there is an immediate threat in your life, don't play around trying to find gratitude for it; you're allowed to push and force and get out of unhealthy dynamics.

Remember, your intuition always knows best for YOUR life situations. Use discernment when interpreting messages and insights.

And for those of you who are waiting for that new house, job or promotion, car, relationship, or whatever, enjoy the present moment so that when they find you, they can enjoy the energy you put off, too!


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