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Why Happiness Seems Hard

Writer's picture: Anita AmonAnita Amon

Have you ever wondered why *being happy* seems so hard?

I am here to break it to you.

Being *happy* isn't hard, getting there when you're not aligned with your truth...

Being happy seems hard when you're forcing yourself to do things that aren't in energetic alignment with you.

You're forcing yourself to be happy while living in accordance with societal expectations and programming passed down from generations of misery - OF COURSE, HAPPINESS IS GOING TO SEEM IMPOSSIBLE.

*Being happy* wasn't instilled within us.

Conforming was.

We were happy as shit as children... Doing our thing, exploring, learning, growing until something on the outside said: "fuck you and your happiness" & changed our entire blueprint of life.

Maybe it was trauma, maybe it was parents' bullshit, maybe it was the simple beliefs you were forced to live by.

Whatever it was - it was false.

I want you to look at the people that passed your beliefs and programming down...

The environments that shaped your beliefs and programming...

Are they happy? Are they alive? Are they feeling good?

I don't mean that fake shit where they pretend to be happy but are REALLY GENUINELY FUCKING THERE.

If they aren't... Drop everything you've learned from them.

Being happy isn't hard when you're living in accordance with yourself and your truth - but it takes time.

It takes editing the story you live by based upon your own personal beliefs.

It takes setting yourself free from the bullshit you keep in your life and it takes detaching from the idea that SOMETHING will make you happy.

Because we've all been told "if you live this type of life or if you have this, you'll be happy"

Don't condition your happiness.

Your external reality does have a lot to do with the way you operate.

but happiness is a huge inside job.

It's an inside job because you can't create an external environment that reflects who you really are without getting to know yourself from the inside!

You'll be throwing shit at the wall hoping that it'll stick while you're fucking dying inside.

Take the time to find yourself. Decode yourself underneath all the bullshit programming.




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